Saturday, April 16, 2011

Breaking Free

I spent (too) many years living in bondage.  The spirit of fear overtook my life!  Of course guilt, condemnation, insecurity, and isolation were as much a part of my life as breathing.  It took all my energy to "pretend" I was ok, that I had it all together.  I'm not even sure I pulled it off.  For the most part, I think those around me thought I was ok.  There was nobody at that time that knew the "real" me!  I was not listening to God during that time.  I was talking TO Him but not WITH Him!  The enemy, however, had all access!  I believed all the things he was telling me.  I allowed him to steal my confidence! 

I believed that my past would determine my future so the present seemed pretty hopeless.  That is how the enemy works.  He keeps us so focused on lies that we don't see the TRUTH!  I'm not sure when it happened but the time came when that TRUTH started to rise up.  I started reading scripture and was reminded Who I belonged to!  I still spent too long trying to "figure it all out" when all I had to do was just trust and believe.  It really IS that simple!  See, that is another lie the devil tells us.  That we have to jump through all these hoops to be delivered from bondage!  That we have to do enough "good" to cover all the "bad" we have done.  That we have to take our punishment for past mistakes to be forgiven.  ALL LIES!!!  Once it "clicked" with me that all I needed was Christ and His Truth,  my whole life changed!  I began to renew my mind by flooding it with God's Word, and BELIEVING IT!!! 

Satan wants our confidence in who we are most of all.  If he can get that,  his work is pretty much over because we will do the rest for him!  That is why Proverbs 4:23 teaches us to guard our hearts with all diligence!!!  Once we get in our hearts that we are children of the King of Kings we cannot help but walk in the confidence that NOTHING can separate us from that FATHER!  That truth will make you physically stand a little taller!!!

I was able to break free from the bondage and that is proof enough that it is possible!  God is a life changer!  His Word is TRUE!!  ALL OF IT!  In His Word He replaces every lie of the enemy with HIS TRUTH and PROMISES! 

Do not misunderstand me, there is still trouble in this world, but we have been given the ability to overcome the things of this world!  We have everything we need to rise above, press through, and retain JOY! 

WoooHoooo!!!  Anybody feel a shout rising up??!!  hahaha

If there is a topic you would like for me to blog about please let me know!  I am so loving the messages I am getting =)  I have some rockin' blog peeps!!!!!! 


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