Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Several years ago Max and went on a retreat with some other leaders in our church.  It was led by a ministry couple (who I cannot for the life of me remember their names!).  The thing that most stands out to me about this trip was the day we were told about the gratitude list!  They had a video of a man who had become almost a recluse in his home.  He had isolated himself from the outside world.  I don't remember the whole story, just the gratitude list that he started one day.  He just started writing down on a list the things he was grateful for!  Things like, air to breath.  Flowers, the sun that warms the day, rain that makes things grow, the ability to breath air into his lungs.....and it grew longer each day!  The video they showed us was of him standing before a church congregation reading his gratitude list that went on for I know at least a half an hour!!!  This really made an impression on my heart and I have never forgotten it.

Over the years Max and I have kept gratitude lists' and shared them with each other.  It makes for some really sweet conversations!  We have had our kids make a gratitude list.  Just making the list is awesome but sharing it and hearing what others are grateful for is just inspiring!!!  God is GOOD and worthy to be praised! 

We have so much to be thankful for and when we recognize it and express a pure gratitude for it I believe it causes our relationship with God to deepen and grow in ways that will block the lies of the enemy!

You know the world tries to make us feel unworthy of the goodness that God has for us!  God loves us and when we are not afraid to shout of the good he does for us, the enemy has to shut his mouth!  There are troubles, but God is bigger than ANYTHING the devil can put in my way!  So when the devil starts in with the lies, I just replace them with The Truth and begin to speak of the the things that I am grateful for.  I promise you that it will change your life!  It has changed mine!!!!!!! 

I am praying for YOU today!!!  For the LOVE of God to overflow in you and spill out all over those around you!!!!!!!  


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