Ok, so in one of my first
blogs I talked about the process of getting my book published. I knew from the very beginning that I would not base any decision on money but on what God told me to do. He told me to publish my story (really it's "our" story because He has everything to do with it!). Daddy God is the Author of my life! I didn't consider the cost and took that first step of faith. I remember the very first "seed" that was sown into my book. It was $100.00 and the day it was given to me I had to meet my grandmother for lunch. We had a waitress that day that was very pregnant and after talking with her, found out she also had 3 other small children. I wanted to give her the $100.00! I asked the Lord and just didn't have an settled feeling about it, so I kept the money. The next morning as I was ironing school clothes and watching Joyce Meyer, I heard her say something that changed my thinking. She was talking about sowing seed and that we always think of it as money. Not all seed is money. It can be our time, our prayers, our words,
ect. Then I heard the Lord tell me that the $100.00 was for my book and that my story IS my seed! I am sewing my story of healing and freedom into lives and that God will use my story to change, heal and comfort and RESTORE others!
As the days and weeks went on God called more people to sow seed into my book and my life! I have received money, prayers, and encouragement! God always comes through and provides everything I need to do this work He has called me to!
I woke up one day and as I was laying in bed collecting my thoughts for the day, I heard the enemy speaking to me. He was saying, "Where's your money?" "You know you have to have $430.00 in 2 days and you don't have it?" "Your bank account is going to be overdrawn!" "When the publisher sees you have no money they will not publish your book!" I am being very transparent here so I am trusting that you understand my heart in sharing this. You see, we had $8.00 in our account and the publisher was going to draft the LAST PAYMENT for the book ($420.00) in TWO DAYS! I pointed my finger at the devil and said, "STOP IT!! You LIE!!! My Daddy God has already provided my needs!!!!!"
I thanked God for being my provider and for loving me above the lies of my enemy! I took a shower and as I stepped out of the shower I had a text message asking me to call when I could talk. I made that call and as I hung up, I had $200.00 for the book! I praised God and thanked Him all morning! By the afternoon I had another $100.00 seed money!!!! MY DADDY IS THE BEST!!!!! How could I NOT trust Him?????
I was reminded of the verse
“What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?” Romans 8:31-32
His plan for me is so good and so big!!! He is for me and He has given me all authority to cast the enemy off of me! I do not have to accept the lies of the devil! And all the bondage of my past is GONE! I am FREE! Free to tell my story, Free to encourage others, Free to go out and fulfill my destiny!!!!
The next morning as we drove into town my husband got a phone call and when he hung up he looked at me and said, "YOU BOOK IS PAID FOR!" All praise and glory go to the KING OF KINGS! It's another day in the blessing and living the miracle that is, life with Jesus =) I am HIS and HE has all control in my life! I am blessed to be a kept woman!!!
I am believing that you are encouraged today!!!! I am challenging you to encourage someone else today!!! If God has placed instruction on you to give money, time, or just a word to someone...DO IT! Do not count the cost because what you receive will be more that you could ever imagine!!!!!!