Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Radical Faith

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).  What do you believe God for?  Do you have faith that He can do it?

The Bible lets us know that we have not because we ask not (James 4:2), so what does this mean?  You can pray for anything and if you have faith, and it pleases God, you WILL receive it.  God seeks to show Himself!  He will use those who are seeking Him.  The more you seek Him to more radical your faith will become!  You will find yourself believing God for some radical things!!!  TRUST ME, when you let go of doubt and realize that God is the same today as He has always been, radical things WILL begin to happen!!!  The more He does for us the more we can do for others!!!!  DO NOT be afraid to receive that!

There are NO LIMITS to what Daddy God can do through us!!  NO LIMITS!!  The only limits are the ones we allow others to put on us.  When you KNOW that the Lord has put a dream in your heart do NOT let other people cause you to doubt what GOD says!  In fact, ask and trust God to surround you with people who will support and encourage!  The truth is, when you KNOW you have heard from God, there really is nothing that can convince you otherwise.  When your dreams catch up with God's dreams for you....it's the most beautiful place to be!!! 

So ask yourself::  Are you believing God for the impossible?  Are you believing God for radical things? Are your ready to receive those things?  Are you ready to be RADICAL and CONTAGIOUS???!!!



Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

In Honor of Memorial Day I am re-posting my Blog Post from Washington DC.  It is in 2 Parts and the links are below.  I am HONORED to be the daughter and granddaughter of men who served our country and sacrificed for our freedoms.  As we celebrate with family and friends in whatever way we choose, just remember those who made it possible for us to do so! 

It is also important that we recognize that behind every soldier there is a family that has taken the call as well.  They sacrifice and they serve.  They support and they stand, weak at times, but they always stand!  I am so thankful for those wives, husbands, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and loved ones who stay behind and stand behind and give of themselves!  I thank God for HIS protection over ALL who serve! 

DC Trip Part 1

DC Trip Part 2


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Book Release!!!

WARNING:  This blog post may have excessive use of the word "excited" (in all forms), and the exclamation mark!!!! 

I came home from the last graduation to find that my book has been release online!!!  I got so excited =)  I looked at my husband who was siting by me and said, "I'M FOR SALE!"  hahahaha  I have not even received MY COPY yet!  This has been such an amazing journey.  I could not settle down to get to sleep last night! I got to work letting everyone know it was available.  My Mom was on her way home and told me not to tell anyone until she could get home to place her order!  She wanted to be the FIRST!  She is a little EXCITED!!! 

I have to say that there is at least one mistake on the back cover but I am not going to worry about it because it is done and there is nothing I can do about it!  I have asked God to go before it and prepare the readers and I know HIS message will shine through any mistakes that got through! 

That being said, I need YOUR help!  I am self-promoting so I would so much appreciate it if you could spread the word in your circle of friends.  I want to be very clear that this is NOT about making money, it is ALL about sharing the healing power of JESUS!!!  He can and WILL RESTORE your past!  Your hurts!  Your mind!!  My publisher will make the book available to bookstores but that is about it.  I do have a buy back in my contract.  That means when a bookstore decides to put my book in their store if it doesn't sell,  the publisher will buy them back!  It's kind of like insurance for the store.

You can buy my book right here on my blog!  Thanks to my most talented friend, I have a link here for you to order from!  Just click on the cover and you are good to go =) 

So here we go onto the next phase!  It's gonna be wild, it's gonna be great and it's gonna be FULL OF HIM!!!!!!!!!!

Again, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!  I LOVE your comments and messages so PLEASE keep them coning!!!!! 


Friday, May 27, 2011

Graduation Day!

Ok, I'm sure you are all so ready for all the graduation stuff to pass so I will move on!!  Hahahah   BUT....you are going to have to put up with me at least one more day!  You didn't really think I would lead you all the way up and then not share THE DAY!?!  Well, I can report that is was a day full of JOY and PRIDE and LOVE!!!  NO TEARS!  NONE!  I asked Max last nigh what was wrong with us!  hahaha!  We were able to have the ceremony outside (which meant everyone could attend).  IF it would have been bad weather it would have been indoors and on 2 guest could come for each senior!  With all the bad weather the past few weeks we could only pray for good weather.  Boy did God deliver on that one!  It was a perfect day!  Sunny and not too hot =)  So the celebration was large!  So large in fact, that we never did find my Grandmother!  She drove in from out of town and there were so many people there she ended up sitting with a stranger (that I believe became her friend by the end)!  Without either of us even knowing it, we ere only a few rows away from each other!  hahaha  I am so glad she was there even if we didn't see her.  She was there for her Hunter and that was all that mattered =) 

Hunter looked so handsome as he walked into the stadium in his cap and gown.  I was so proud when he stood as they called for the Honor Graduates.  Then he walked across the stage!  My heart was about to burst!!!  He just brings me so much JOY!  So now it is over and this new phase of life is beginning and it holds all the promises =) 

Tonight Danille (the Godsend/girlfriend) will graduate and we are all so proud of her!  She is the most amazing young lady and we could not be more pleased to be a part of her beautiful life.  She and Hunter posses the ability to draw others in with their pure and open hearts.  They WILL be a part of changing the lives of people they come in contact with!  They were created for greatness and they walk in the fullness of that greatness!!!!!  All  I can say is that GOD IS GOOD!!!  SO GOOD!!!!

Oh and as if the day couldn't get one bit better, I got an email that my book is DONE and has been shipped to me!!!!  After I receive my copy and notify the publisher, it will be available for the public!  I will share how and where later! I am still swimming in the graduation water right now =) 

Hunter walking in...

Deep in thought.....

Here we go....


Max and I with our BLESSING =)

Hunter with the Godsend, Danille!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Graduation Eve

Well, Here I sit on the eve of Hunter's High School Graduation Day!  I have looked through all my photos and watched all the videos of my sweet baby boy.  This day came so fast!  I can remember people telling me over the years to enjoy each moment because they would go fast and they were RIGHT!  I can say that I have enjoyed every moment and my heart is so full.  Max and I have loved him from the moment we found out he existed.  We have prayed for him.  We have spoken over him.  We have assisted him when needed and allowed him to grow even when my heart wanted so bad to keep him little.  I learned early on that he was not just a possession but a gift from the very Hand of God The Father!  We were called to be his parents.  We were given this time with him to pour love into him, introducing him to his Creator and guide him to make wise choices.  I know we have fallen short at times but God's GRACE has covered it all and so here we are now witnessing this amazing human being that has my smile and his Daddy's eyes enter into adulthood.  His faith touches me and his heart inspires me.  He has made me a better person.  He loves Jesus and he walks in His favor.  So tomorrow his Dad and I, along with our family, will watch with pride as he walks across that stage and into the next phase of his life.  I will have my tissue to catch my JOY TEARS!  I will have my Max to hold my hand as our hearts overflow in the LOVE of our Heavenly Father Who has blessed us with SO MUCH!

Video I made for Hunter!



Monday, May 23, 2011

Dream Bigger!

As I grow deeper in the fullness of Christ my life just opens up more and more.  I love different than before.  I have peace like never before.  I have an excitement about my future.  For the last several months before I fall asleep at night I ask God to give me visions and dreams.  He has filled my spirit with the most amazing dreams!  Dreams that in the past would have scared me to death, but now I dream them like I am practicing for when they become reality!!!  I am learning that there are NO LIMITS with Daddy God and I am so ready to live out these dreams where there are no limits!  God is going to change lives through me!  He is going to love and set people free through me! 

I can hardly contain my excitement!  The book will be here any day now =)  It has been a beautiful journey so far and it is only going to get better and better as I dream bigger and BIGGER!!!!!  Do not allow Satan to limit your dreams! 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Freedom in Letting Go

There is freedom in letting go of things that either we can't control or things that simply do not matter.  I have learned (mostly the hard way) that it is very selfish to hold a grudge.  It is damaging to hold on to hurts.  I have been treated badly in my lifetime and people have hurt me in ways that I did not deserve but for me to hold on to that only gives the enemy a foothold in my life!  I spent too many years holding on to all the hurt.  I missed out on so much joy because my attention was focused on that hurt.  Then I went through a time when I decided to let it go but I settled on the fact that I had lost that time.  I would just move on and accept things lost and just hope for better things to come.  Then The Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and assured me that not only would all those things be restored to me but Daddy God goes above an beyond when it comes to restoring His children!!!  As I released the hurt feelings, guilt, self blame and even the hard feelings I had towards other people, something amazing began to happen in my heart!  It grew deeper and deeper to where I was able to hold more and more of the LOVE that God had for me.  The LOVE He wanted to give to me and the LOVE He wanted to show THROUGH me =)  I became a LOVE CONTAINER!  The more of self I released, the more of Him I became.  I could, for the first time, see others as Jesus saw them.  I was beginning to love others in a way I have never experienced before. 

There have been many things I have had to "let go" of and allow The Lord to take over.  I believe that with the Love of Jesus, there is no relationship that is beyond His ability to completely restore!!!  When those relationships are restored the very face of Daddy God is shown =) 

There are still times when the devil will bring something (or someone) to my mind and I can feel those old hurts trying to surface.  At that very moment I have a choice to make.  I can either allow myself to respond to those feelings in a damaging way by dwelling on them.  I mean there have been times when an old hurt will surface and I will start talking about it with myself!  I can talk myself into being hurt all over again!  The other (an wiser) choice is to SPEAK to the one who is bringing it up!  I say, sorry devil but I have already dealt with that and I do not have to deal with it anymore!  It is done, I have released it and God has taken over that area of my life.  I then can replace any negative feelings with the TRUTH in God's Word!  There is that "renewing the mind" again!  hahaha  The more of God's TRUTH I have planted inside of me the quicker it springs up in my spirit when Satan comes against me! 

As I prepare for my book release I am still releasing parts of my past.  I want to be clear that as I release the hurts of my past I also remember what God has done for me.  I do not tell my story to remember or relive my past.  I share it to give testimony as to what God has done!  I share it to encourage others!  I am living proof that there is nothing The Lord can't do.  He can take the absolute worst things and use it to bring Glory to Him.  He can turn bitterness to JOY and hurt to HEALING.  It is through Daddy God that we receive FREEDOM!

On a book related note; I received notice that I will be receiving the first copy of my book in 10-15 days!  Talk about a journey!  It has been a waiting time and a growing time.  I am so ready for the next phase of this amazing journey!  As soon as I receive my copy of the book it will be available for purchase!  I will share the details on where and how you can get it in the VERY NEAR future!  I am doing most of the promoting on my own so spread the word within your circle =)  Thanks again for all your support through prayers and words of encouragement!  I claim blessings flow through you today!  May we all get SOAKED in the blessing and the LOVE of Daddy God today =) 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Restored and Ready!

Oh how I have missed this little corner of my world!  The trade off however was more than worth it.  Spending time with my Hubby, my amazing son and his precious godsend (girlfriend Danille) has brought even more joy to my overflowing life =)  I have made it through 2 senior banquets with very little crying, but LOTS of pride!  My love and admiration for Hunter grows deeper every single day.  That child has brought me more joy in his 17 (almost 18) years than I ever could have imagined.  He is destine for such great things! 

I was also blessed to go on a photo adventure with two of the most amazing young people!!!  Jacob and Elyse are just too special for words.  All I can say is that my life is richer just having them in it!  You cannot be around them and not be blessed =)

On to some book news!  I am so happy to be able to say that the book cover is COMPLETE!  I have approved it and now we go to PRINT!!!  As I looked over the final cover design my heart started to beat harder and my mind took a little trip back in time.  I thought about where I started and all that Daddy God has brought me through and delivered me from!  I have said it before but it really is nothing short of a miracle!  Then my mind went into the future!!!  Oh yes, I am prepared to step into the fullness of God's plan!  I have committed my story, my past, my present, my future, my LIFE to carry out HIS PLAN.  I will never grow tired of telling of how Daddy God RESTORED my life and gave back to me ALL that the enemy had taken!  He gave me even MORE that what was taken from me!!!  THAT IS MY GOD!  I am so deeply in LOVE WITH LOVE!!!!!!!!!! 

I really wish I could share the photo of the book cover but i can't figure out how!  hahaha  But I CAN share what I have been up to the last week =)

Hunter & Danille (our road trip to El Dorado)

Me & Max (Max was sick but he was a trooper)

Hunter & Danille (Band Banquet)

Me and my sweet baby boy =)

Hunter and his friend Wesley at the Band Banquet

Hunter with some of his bandmates

The AMAZING Elyse & Jacob

Jacob & Elyse on our Photo Adventure


Photo Adventures are THE BEST!

Heart Smiles!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Share The Blessing

I have not posted a blog in a few days because I have been enjoying some much needed family time =)   God is so good and His blessings have no limit!  I am so grateful for the times when I get to hang out with my family.  It was a nice time to just go with the flow and enjoy being together.  We did a little traveling and playing around.  This week we have a couple of Senior functions with Hunter and prepare for his graduation next week.  I hope to hear from my publisher this week also! 

I have received emails and messages that this blog has been a blessing, so I encourage you that if it has been a blessing to you...SHARE IT!  Invite your friends to share in the blessing =)  I also invite you to click on the links to the right of this page.....Thes blogs WILL bless you!  They will encourage and challenge you as well =)  So check them out!  Be a blessing to the people The Lord places in your path this week.   Love and Joy to all of you this week!!! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

DC Part 2

YAY!  Blogger has been down since yesterday so I was not able to blog this morning!  Thank goodness it is back up and running =)

Yesterday I shared about our trip to Washington DC and there was just too much to put in one post! 

Not only did our kids get to play the concert at the WW ll Memorial but they had the high honor of taking part in the laying of the wreath at The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier!  Once we stepped onto the grounds you could sense that this was a place of honor and remembrance.  Looking across the cemetery in any direction all you saw was rows of tombstones.  We walked towards the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier and prepared for the ceremony.  The entire time we walked there was very little talking.  The closer we got to the top of the hill the louder the "clicking" noise got.  Once we could see, it was the guard clicking his heels every time he stopped and turned as he guarded the tomb.  We all sat down and just watched as he walked 21 steps, stopped and paused 21 seconds, did an about face and changed the side he carried his riffle, and then walked another 21 steps.....this is repeated over and over!  it sounds crazy, but we just sat there and watched this!  Over and over, for at least half an hour!  Then it was time to change the guards and the wreath.  Our Drum Major and ROTC walked out with the guard and took part in this sacred ceremony!  It was awesome!!!  They played Taps and in the distance we could hear the sound of a 231 Gun Salute!  There was a funeral taking place on the grounds.  I had goose bumps on top of goose bumps and tears running down my face.  I felt privileged and a sense of sadness.  At that very moment I wanted EVERYBODY to see what I was seeing, to feel what I was feeling!  Again I had my Dad on my mind and on my heart. 

After the guards changed and our kids had completed their mission, we all made our way back down the hill.  We then went to the grave site of JFK (and family).  It almost feels like you are back in time when you stand there.  I am so grateful that we were able to experience this trip.  It changed me in a way that I can't quiet describe.  It reminded me that there is so much more than my little corner of the world.  There have been so many families that have gone before us and sacrificed in order for us to have the liberty we have today.  It reminded me that God has been here all along the way and His hand and influence are rooted deep in this land!  Even if some do not acknowledge it, IT IS HERE!!!!!!  HE IS HERE!!!! 


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Washington DC

A couple of months ago Max and I had the opportunity to chaperon a trip to Washington DC with Hunter's school band.  We were very excited to be able to go and have the experience with Hunter.  It was a very long trip which we took on a charter bus!  I believe it was 22 hours!  The whole trip was amazing but there were a few events that had a special affect on my life.  I also have to add that I absolutely loved hanging out with the kids on this trip! 

So the first morning we were there the kids had the honor of playing a concert at the WWII Memorial.  It was a Sunday morning so there were not a lot of people there but at the end of the concert the band played a medley of songs (from each Branch of the military).  As they would start each branch's song the ROTC would walk out with that branches flag.  As I looked around I noticed several people standing with their hands over their heart.  Then my husband motioned for me to look over my shoulder and there were two old men, in uniform standing in full attention and soulting each flag as it pased by!  I was overtaken by emotion!  My mind went immediately to my Dad and my Grandfather (who both served during war time).  I walked off and pulled out my phone and called my Daddy (who I cannot remember the last time I talked to).  When he answered I could not stop crying!  All I wanted to do was tell him THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!  I tried to explain to him what I had just witnessed but I was so emotional.  I had no idea that would have affected me like that.  Our whole group was affected by that experience and we couln't stop talking about it throughout the rest of our trip.

The last day we were there was kind of a free day.  The kids could choose whatever they wanted to do but they had to be in a group with an adult.  I had a group of 7 kids that wanted to go back to the Vietnam Wall.  We had all toured it a couple of nights before but it was dark.  So we had to walk over a MILE to get from where our bus left us to the Wall.  We finally made it and my feet HURT!!  haha  As we started our walk beside The Wall one of the kids noticed a note and flower laying by the Wall.  They asked why it was there and I explained to them that people leave "thank yous" to those that gave their lives for OUR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY'S!  Immediately one of the boys said, "I wanna leave a note" followed by another and another!  I dug out paper and pen from my purse and the whole group (who by this time were MY KIDS!), wrote a thank you note that they all signed and placed at The Wall!  I was so moved.  I fought back tears because this wall means something to me.  I don't know anyone on it but I know someone who is NOT!  My Daddy!  He fought in that war and while he may not have died a physical death he was never the same after.  I am glad his name is not on that wall.  I am grateful for the sacrifice they all made.  Watching those 7 high school kids think beyond themselves was something I feel privileged to have witnessed! 

There were MANY other life changing experiences during those few days in Washington DC and maybe one day I can share them ALL =)  Tomorrow I plan on sharing my experience at Arlington Cemetery.  Our ROTC and Band Major had the honor of participating in the laying of the wreath ceremony! 

I know that I have never been more proud to be an AMERICAN and more aware of how God's Hand blesses us everyday! 
Writing the "Thank You" note @ The Wall

                                                                 They all signed the note

                                                             Placing the note at The Wall

                                                               Concert @ WW ll  Memorial
                                               These 2 men stood saluting the flags as each on passed!
                                                           This man stood at attention until the band finished
                                               My Daddy, Roger Dale McLelland, Vietnam Veteran


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Who is in charge here?

So, the devil has been a chatter box today!  I woke up with him all in my face!!!  Oh yes, the insults started bright and early.  I just kept busy and tried to ignore him.  I have so much going on this month and I think my brain hit overload!  Then it hit me.....I CAN talk back!  So with all my authority I told the devil, OUT LOUD, to SHUT UP!!!!!  Yes, I'm 42, but Daddy God is using me!  Yes, it's a work bigger than me, but there is NOTHING that God can't do through me!  Then when he couldn't get me that way, he tried to get in the middle of my marriage!  Before I even knew what was happening Max and I were arguing over CAKE!!  (the argument was over who was going to call about Hunter's graduation cake)!  Max walked out and went to mow.  I went to taking back some authority!!!!!  I told my enemy that he was NOT going to mess with me or my husband!  Within about 5 minutes Max called to apologize and and we put that little fight behind us!  Then my publishing company called to say that the adjustments to my book that were going to take 2-3 weeks was DONE!  Well, the text is done, the final cover should be emailed to me tomorrow!!!  Satan is NOT in charge here!!!!!  God has my life and everything in it! =) 

I am so excited to share the final cover design!  My excitement grows every time I think about how God is going to use me!  Yes, ME!  He has given me the confidence to talk back to the devil.  To take my place a a daughter of THE MOST HIGH! 

It is very important to recognize that there is warfare going on and we have all the ammunition we need through God's Word.  Satan is going to come against us, that is just a fact.  That is why it is so important to keep our minds renewed!  First, so when Satan does launch an attack, we recognize where the attack is coming from.  And secondly, so we have fresh on our minds (and heart) WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE HAVE! 

I feel like I have rambled but it is my hearts desire to encourage you. 
