Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Bible and a Kit Kat

I have a dear friend from high school that is in training for a fitness competition.  I have followed her journey and been so inspired!  I have to admit that I am one of "those people" that for example, will sit and watch an entire DVD of a workout before I will actually commit to do it in real life!!  hahaa     Some of you are laughing because YOU do the SAME THING!  I know I'm not alone!  OK, back to my friend...... It seemed like every time I saw an update on her progress, which would be about all the healthy food she had eaten and the insane workout she had just completed and how GREAT she felt.....I was reading it on my lap top while eating a Kit Kat!!  OK, another confession....I LOVE KIT KATS!  It is my candy of choice =)  As I was reading one of her posts, she was talking about the food we put into our bodies.  I sat there reading about this as I munched on my Kit Kat wishing that I would have made a healthier choice! 

A few days later there was another update, only this time my friend was having a "weak" day.  Not in her physical strength, but her mental strength.  The enemy will always attack our thoughts and leave the rest to us!  See, when we begin to think defeated, the belief of being defeated is not far behind!  I went straight to The Word of God to send her some encouragement.  As I allowed Daddy God to fill me with encouragement to pass on, He began to speak to ME!!!  He revealed to me that my friend was physically STRONG today, she feeds her body with the food that best fosters the growth and strength it needs, and it shows!  I mean you can see it!  But her Spiritual strength was weak.  That was how the enemy was able to get in and slip the thoughts of defeat in.  I feed my Spirit everyday and today my Spirit was strong.  The REVELATION came when God showed me that we cannot survive on spiritual strength alone, just as we cannot survive on physical strength alone!  I cannot sit and read my Bible while eating a Kit Kat!  Feeding and caring for my physical body is just as important as my spirit man!  If I do not take care of my physical body it will limit what Daddy God has created me to do!  He created me for a very LONG and very ACTIVE life on this earth! 

The Bible tells us that in this world but there WILL be trouble, BUT GOD!  I just LOVE when it says "but God".....HE has given us His Word to encourage, to instruct and to support His children! 

I will be more aware and more careful with what I put in my mouth!  What goes into my mouth is just as vital as what I put into my heart and mind!   Thank You Daddy God for this LIFE CHANGING message!!!!


1 comment:

  1. So true! I have to confess that I have been guilty of eating candy and ice cream while watching Biggest Loser! He has really convicted me lately about how I care for my temple. I pray every day for the strength to exercise and eat right. He has work for us to do, we have to be fit!!
