Friday, April 29, 2011

Excerpt From Book

Today I am posting another excerpt from my book (soon to be released!).  In this chapter I recall the day I was called to the Hospital (as a volunteer for DVP).  The lady I write about has since become a very special friend and she has written a book about her experience.  He story is of amazing strength and power to regain her worth.  *A must read!  The title is "This Woman's Worth:  Reclaiming Life after Trauma"  by: Pam White

Be encouraged today that Daddy God is working even when we do not see it with our natural eyes!  That which the enemy intends to destroy God The Father can restore to fullness!!!


It was a beautiful spring day in May. A storm had come through a few days before and uprooted a pecan tree beside our house, and it landed in our home! We had to go stay with Max’s grandmother until our house could be repaired. I had just left work and stopped by the house to grab some more clothes for Max, Hunter, and me. I was in a hurry and packed a bag quickly and was heading out the front door when the phone rang. I almost just kept going because everyone who knew us knew that we were not staying at the house. But I answered the phone, and it was the Rape Crisis Hotline. I was not on call, so this caught me off guard. The lady said that she needed me to go to the hospital to meet a rape victim. First of all, I had only taken one phone call to listen to a lady on the other end talk about being attacked by her husband. I had not made any hospital visits. In our training, we were told that there would be a supervisor to go with us on the first few visits to guide us in how to handle ourselves. I informed the lady from the hotline that I was very new and had not even been on a hospital call before, AND I wasn’t even on call this day! She said that she had made several phone calls and I was the ONLY one she could get a hold of! I was very nervous, but at the same time I knew what it was like to be sitting at that hospital with no one there with me! I said I would be on my way. When I got in the car I called my friend and told her what was going on and that I was really nervous. She prayed with me on the phone, and I felt a peace come over me that told me that I was right where I was supposed to be, doing just what I was supposed to be doing. I felt completely led by the Lord. But I was still nervous!

When I got to the hospital, I had no idea where to go or what to do. I walked in and told the lady at the desk all the information I had been given. I was told to go to the hospital to meet a woman named Pam who had been raped, stabbed, and beaten. I was so not prepared for what I saw when they took me into that room! The first thing I noticed was that she had bruises on her toes!! She had wounds from head to toe! Then I looked up and saw two familiar faces. Two of the other ladies in the room were parents of kids that attended the child care center where I worked. I soon found out this was their sister! I told Pam that I was very sorry and would be praying for her and for her family. I also told her to call me if she needed me for anything. I spoke briefly with her sisters, who were very upset. I assured them I would do whatever I could
to help them. I told Pam that I had experienced being attacked myself, and that if she needed to talk, I would be there for her. I left the hospital, but I could not get Pam off my mind. She was the reason I was doing this work. I knew that my calling for this time was to minister to her and share with her the healing that would come from our Creator. I felt almost immediately that all that soul-wrenching writing that was my journal was for her! I do not believe that God chose for either of us to be raped. That only happened because of the evil in this world and the free will of people who had opened themselves to the evil one. But God knows all things past, present, and future, and He prepared a supernatural work through me that would change her!

I love when God takes what the enemy intended to destroy us with and turns it for good to glorify himself! He is not only our strength but our Healer!

I kept up with Pam through her sisters and a few weeks later, I told one of her sisters about my journal and that I felt led to share it with Pam. She thought it was a great idea. She said Pam had refused to talk about her attack with any of them. I gave her the journal to take to Pam. Pam kept it for a while. I was quite nervous the whole time she had it. I prayed for God to use it to heal her and comfort her. Finally after a few weeks, I got the journal back and Pam had written this note to me:

Dear Teena,

Thank you so much for sharing your journal. At first I thought it would be too hard to read, but I found much comfort in knowing you have experienced and understand a lot of what I feel. Your journal, and you, will be so much help to others. I have felt very alone and did not want my family and friends to experience my pain. I know that many women have suffered this same fate. I hope that I can be like you and continue to get stronger. I’m trusting God to get us past this and to a better place.

Thank you for your support!

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