Friday, April 22, 2011

Jesus Party!

My sweet hubby, Max loves to hunt and fish!  He can fish all day and not catch a thing but he loves just being on the lake.  For a hunting trip he will spend weeks planning, securing time off from work, making sure he has everything he needs for his time in the woods.  He will sit on his deer stand for hours at a time, just watching the woods.  He loves to watch nature.  These are the things that he is interested in. 

I have a friend (and no it's not me!  haha), who is a huge sports fanatic!!!  They will watch football or baseball for hours and cheer for their team with everything they have!  Yell, jump, clap and laugh!  I have even heard them say after watching a really good game that they wish it could have gone on a little longer!

Back in the day when I was still hanging out partying, I would spend hours drinking and dancing!  Never worried about time.  I was having  fun and hated when it would end.  I could go out 2 and 3 times a week! 

My point is that when we are involved in the things that interest us and bring us joy (even if it's only temporary joy), we give of ourselves and we do it without worry of time or even looking silly!  If you have ever watched a sports fan get excited at a game (good or bad), at times they look really silly! 

This brings me to JESUS!   I asked myself, how interested in Jesus am I?  How big of a fan am I of Jesus?  Am I willing to devote my time to celebrate Him?  Do I plan and prepare to be present in fellowship with Him?  Do I enjoy, really enjoy being in fellowship with Him?  Am I willing to celebrate Him?  Celebrate Him without the fear of looking silly?  I sing and dance all over my house with Him when I'm alone.  Why would I not possess that same freedom at HIS HOUSE?  Why would I get anxious in church when the clock hits noon and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight??? 

I LOVE being in my Daddy God's House!  I love to be free and not ashamed when I worship Him!  I know that there is a time to be reverent but there is also a time to CELEBRATE!!! 

Today is Good Friday!  The day that Jesus was beaten, made fun of and suffered beyond our comprehension!  So why is it "good"?  Because this is just the BEGINNING of the story!  The end of this story comes on Sunday!!  Easter!  The day He is ALIVE!!!!!!  Our Savior was crucified and buried and was RAISED FROM THE DEAD!!  He was DEAD and then made ALIVE!!!!  This is cause for some serious CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And from all I know about celebration and parties, the more people you have in attendance, the bigger and better the party!

So I plan on attending a big ole party Sunday to celebrate my risen SAVIOR!  This is the best party because nobody is left out!  EVERYONE is invited =)   Please accept the invitation and let's have a JESUS PARTY! 


1 comment:

  1. I will be there with my dancing shoes on!

    Princess Lee
